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Showing posts from May, 2013

Classy or Trashy?

My kids have autonomy in deciding what they want to wear. I have veto power. They are pretty good about following our three rules: 1) it must come down to your knees or you have to wear leggings, 2) it must cover up your boobs and not fall down, and 3) you must wear sleeves to school (strappy dresses are fine for summer fun but not for school without a shirt under it or a sweater over it). The kids know that belly bearing is not allowed, but they don’t have any clothes where that would be an issue. The length, however, is constantly a challenge because my kids seem to grow an inch a day. Usually my veto power is used because of seasonality. No flip flops in winter, no rain boots on a sunny day (most of the time), and, for Abby who loves her “fluffy coat”, no coat when it’s not cold out. They do a great job with it. I think it’s important to let the kids express themselves. Who cares if, like today, my oldest goes to school in a t-shirt with glittery pink h

Call Me Maybe

Lots of the things I do with the kiddies are blog-worthy. If it requires my looking up additional information or making a list of items needed to complete it, the activity is immediately blog-worthy. Some activities are just random things we do. I considered phone etiquette in the latter category until I was laughing with my husband about how it was going and he asked why I hadn’t blogged about it. So I guess I will. When I was a kid we were schooled on how to answer the phone. I’m pretty sure I’ve mentioned this before in this blog, but my brother and I were taught that any time you answer the phone you say “Hello. This is the *Maiden name* residence. May I help you please?” My kids are a little young, at 4 and 5, to be allowed to answer the phone since it’s unlikely that the calls will be for them, but they know to say “Hello. This is Abigail/Briana” when we hand them the phone. Even if they cannot receive calls yet, I wanted to start teaching them