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Showing posts from September, 2012

Dye Job

Briana loves her fashion and is starting to ask more and more sophisticated questions about clothing construction. The one that we’re going to answer today is about how to get the colors on the clothes. I asked her how she thinks the colors get on the clothes and she said “crayons”. Not the drawings of clothes, real clothes. Then she says, “You just buy them whatever color you want.” I explain that you dye the fabric by getting something that has color on it and transferring that color to your fabric. Then I tell them that one way to get colors is to start in nature. FYI, this is definitely an outdoor activity! I get some loose red tea and let the kids put some on a paper towel for themselves.   Then I tell them to spray the leaves and see what happens. As they do it I explain that the water will strip the color from the leaves and put it on the porous paper. The paper will soak up the color. As the kids watch their Bounty paper turn pink, I hold

Match Maker – Kindergarten Readiness Test #3, Final

Briana is now in her second year of Montessori, which means that next year is KINDERGARTEN - the scary year where my baby becomes a kid. Scary for me at least – she couldn’t be more excited. She even wore a Kindergarten uniform to school on Friday, “just to practice and try to trick people”.   It also means that this December she takes the Kindergarten Readiness Test. I’ve blogged about that test and what the requirements are before so check out those posts if you want to know more about the state mandated test. Since my last post on the topic I have also talked to Briana’s teacher about it and she told me that there is no way Briana will not be entering Kindergarten next year and that she has no doubt Briana will excel at the test without any additional preparation. So that’s great and all (and being a proud Mommy, of course I agree), but I figured we’d do one more activity anyway. What’s it going to hurt? So I thought of the thing that I most wanted to reinforce. There tu