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Showing posts from February, 2015

A Data With Destiny

My girls are budding entrepreneurs. Since she was three years old, Briana has been telling me that she is going to open a boutique and be a designer, and she named her store Boutique Girls. She is now 7, but has not forgotten this dream. We’ve been through at least 5 logo changes, from all of the letters in balloons to the current logo below. And now Abigail wants in on the fun. She wants to be a confectioner. Briana and I regularly have little debates about aspects of her store: Girls clothes only or boys too? Accessories? Online sales or not? Color of décor? Location (she says Paris or New York, I say close to home J )? We even spent a whole night talking about the kind of lighting she wanted once. But lately her favorite thing to talk about is pricing. She is learning about coins and value at school and has come to realize that pricing and making actual money is a part of being a designer. This has led to some awesome conversations and a lot more awareness when

Undercover Chromatography

My kids are really into two things this week. The first is capillary action. Ever since we did our last experiments on capillary action , Abigail has managed to work the phrase in every single day. Even her My Little Pony train tracks were set up in a dumbbell formation so Abby could say the train was showing the movement of water between cups in capillary action. I’m happy that the idea has stuck with her, so I’d love to reinforce it. The second is spies. Ever since we watched Spy Kids on family movie night, and got Briana a book that came with secret spy ears and a few other spy toys, it’s all we talk about. We are even planning a spy birthday party for Abigail, even though her birthday is a significant amount of time from now. So I decided that today, since the kids are off of school for a teacher in service day, I’m going to show the kids how to use chromatography to detect who the bad guy is. You see, the bad guy has left a note, and it threatens all that