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Showing posts from March, 2014

The Recycle Cycle

My kids are crazy about recycled art these days. At school they bring in recycling and basically pile it up and tape or glue it into new structures. While that’s a great idea to get the kids thinking about recycling, when the recycled art comes home it usually goes back into the recycling. Sorry, but we can’t save everything they do at school and not all of the recycled art looks or smells like it was cleaned first. So today I decide to show the kids how recycling works. First I ask them to get two cartons that were supposed to go into the recycling bin. Briana grabs a Cheez-its carton and Abigail grabs the applesauce. I get a frozen Weight Watchers breakfast carton. I ask the kids if they know what the word recycling means. “It means reusing things that have already been used,” Briana says without hesitation. Abby adds on, “reduce, reuse, recycle.” Clearly they are well versed in the idea. How recycling works is a mystery. I explain that