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Showing posts from September, 2014

Pictures That Make Cents

As I’m sure I’ve mentioned recently, my kiddies are really into math right now, so we’re exploring the many ways that math is important in the world. One of the most valuable things you can do with math is count your money. Anytime I see a coin laying around the house I will pick it up, show it to the nearest kid (assuming that kid is one of mine of course) and say “what is this called and what is it worth?” If the kid is right that it is, for example, a nickel worth five cents, they get to put the coin in their piggie bank and keep it. Not only does that keep our countertops clean, it also reinforces the names and values of the coins for the kiddies. Today we decide to play with the money that the kids had earned. We dump the money out on the table and I say, “Who can make Mommy a flower worth   $1.05?” All kinds of flowers come back:     Then we do some other dollar amounts and shapes. Circles worth $0.25, stars worth $2, and lots of other combi