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Showing posts from December, 2010

Motoring Through the Holidays

CHRISTMAS PRESENT SPOILER ALERT!!!   GRANDPARENTS DO NOT READ THIS!!!!! As I’m sure everyone has noticed by the appearance of trees, lights, and holiday music, it’s that time of year again.   I, for one, LOVE Christmas time!   As soon as Halloween I open up the Amazon wishlists that I have for all of my family members and start buying Christmas presents.   By the way, the Amazon wishlist is amazing if you haven’t tried it.   All year long people mention things or you see things and think “I have to remember to get so-and-so that movie/book/keepsake for Christmas (or whatever holiday you celebrate).”   But when the pressure of Christmas time rolls around, you’ve long since forgotten what you wanted to get everyone and start to panic.   I just go onto Amazon year round and add things to a hidden wishlist (I have the kids’ wishlists listed publicly mostly so my parents and in-laws can see what the kids want for birthdays, Christmas, Valentines Day, Grandparents were thinking about you

Math, Measuring, and Mayhem

I have it on good authority that by the end of next year Briana will need to recognize all of her numbers up to 10, which made me realize that I haven’t done much math with the kids yet.  I can’t believe it!  I LOVE math!  No really.  I LOVE math!  It’s like a puzzle with a definitive answer and you just have to move the pieces around to find it.  I’ll even share a little secret with those of you who don’t know this.  I was a mathlete growing up.  Yes, an “athlete” that competed in math competitions.  Hey, I was a real athlete/ volleyball, gymnastics, softball, basketball, and soccer player too, though in all honesty I was probably a better mathlete as a kid.  Until I had kids, I still judged the local MathCounts competition to pick the kids for regionals.  No teasing me!  Well, it’s time to right my wrong.  We’re going to spend the week looking at numbers in three separate ways: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------